SETF is pleased to announce that we have a new staff member, Ms. Danielle Diaz. Danielle will be the new Community Educator and is replacing Jessica Canas, who is now headed off to Peace Corps' Masters International Program. Danielle started work at SETF in mid July and has hit the ground running, closely working with Jessica and attending meetings to get to know partners before Jessica heads off to Cornell August 15th. SETF is very fortunate to have Danielle, who has a Masters degree in Environmental Education from
As the Community Educator, Danielle will work closely with civic and governmental organizations in the Calumet Stewardship Initiative (CSI), promoting environmental curricula in Calumet-area schools and community-based organizations. Danielle will play a vital role in the organization of the CSI Education Team and in producing the CSI triennial newsletter. In her capacity, Danielle will also be responsible for creating and implementing environmental education programs for students, adults and families of the Southeast Side, as well as professional development opportunities in environmental education for teachers. A large portion of her time is allocated to outreach, specifically in the Latino community of the Southeast Side of Chicago.